往返 JFK 机场 的 Bus 接送服务

- local_taxi 通过 出租车 JFK 机场 出租车
- train 通过 火车 JFK 机场 火车

从JFK机场出发并希望前往靠近Kew Gardens的地区,或者反之,可以乘坐Q10巴士。它有限的停靠点包括Kew Gardens 80 Rd、Ozone Park Lefferts Blvd.或101 Av.、S Ozone Park Lefferts Blvd.或Rockaway Blvd.、S Ozone Park 130 St.或150 Av.以及JFK机场的5号航站楼。当地巴士票价为2.75美元,对于老年人和残疾人只需1.00美元。然而,希望乘坐快速巴士的人将被收取5.00美元,老年人和残疾人的票价为2.50美元。希望节省更多的人建议购买7天或30天无限次乘车卡,这将在除快速巴士外的所有MTA巴士上接受。不希望考虑此选项的人仍然可以选择精确的硬币票价系统,并乘坐服务JFK和纽约市的定时巴士。
从JFK机场出发但希望前往牙买加的乘客可以乘坐Q3巴士。它定期停靠在牙买加165 St.巴士总站、牙买加179 St.地铁站、Linden Blvd.或St. Albans Farmers Blvd.、Springfield Gardens以及JFK机场的5号航站楼。它遵循相同的付款方案和类似的优惠票价,适用于年满65岁及以上或具备资格的残疾人。您将获得这些特权,包括减价地铁卡或医疗保险卡,但在高峰期快速巴士上除外。请确保出示您的身份证明以获得这个特权。它还提供免费换乘其他巴士的服务,只要您要求免费磁条换乘,因为这将在您乘坐另一辆当地巴士时使用。一些人还考虑购买按次付费地铁卡,因为如果在支付后两小时内完成换乘,他们将获得一次免费换乘。这些都是对希望在城市逗留期间节省交通费用的旅客非常有益的附加服务。
从Bedford-Stuyvesant地区前往JFK机场的乘客可以乘坐B15巴士。它将在Bedford-Stuyvesant Broadway、Spring Creek Brooklyn General Mail Facility、Ocean Hill St. Johns Pl、Brownsville Hegeman Av.、E New York New Lots Avenue和JFK机场的4号航站楼停靠。这些巴士将遵守同样的规定,因为所有巴士都受到城市的一个特定部门的监管。在任何情况下,乘客也可以选择乘坐纽约机场快线巴士,以更快地前往机场;然而,必须支付的车费为15.00美元。它只在JFK机场、大中央车站、港务局和宾夕法尼亚车站停靠。许多人更喜欢这种巴士服务,因为它能更好地保证他们不会因为JFK航班的延误而耽误行程。此外,它比出租车费用更便宜。对于携带轻便行李的人来说,这是理想的选择,因为即使需要走几分钟,也不会太不方便。
纽约市还有其他巴士公司提供服务。它们可能不直接将您带到JFK 4号航站楼区域,但了解它们的位置和要求的车费对您考虑它们作为交通方式是有帮助的。Appex巴士、Today's巴士和Eastern Travel都从F到E的Broadway行驶,这是从纽约市到华盛顿特区的常规目的地。这三家巴士公司的票价相同,单程票为20.00美元,往返票为35.00美元。希望前往A或E到34th St.的人可以选择Premium巴士、Vamoose巴士和Bolt巴士。票价与上述相同。
从费城到纽约市,或反之,乘客可以乘坐Apex巴士、Universe巴士或Today's巴士,支付12.00美元的单程票费用和20.00美元的往返票费用。Megabus、Vamoose巴士和Bolt巴士将收取每程12.00美元的费用,并将乘客送到A或E到34th St.。从波士顿出发的乘客可以乘坐Fung wah巴士,支付每程15.00美元的费用,他们将在139 Canal Street下车。希望在宾夕法尼亚车站下车的人可以乘坐Megabus,支付17.00美元,而希望在34th St.下车的人可以乘坐BoltBus,支付17.50美元的巴士票价。
6 条往返 JFK 机场 的接送路线
JFK Airport is the main airport serving New York City. With nearly 62 million passengers passing through the airport in 2018, it is the sixth-busiest airport in the United States. The airport is 30 kilometres south-east of Manhattan and is situated in the borough of Queens. Bus connections operating from JFK Airport link travellers to Manhattan and Brooklyn, as well as to the other airports in the region and nearby cities such as Philadelphia.
JFK Airport to Brooklyn by Bus - MTA B15
A direct bus service that runs from JFK Airport to various parts of the borough of Brooklyn. The service calls at Terminal 5, where the AirTrain Station is situated. The journey is around an hour from the Airport to central Brooklyn, but this is can vary depending on traffic.
MTA B15 bus runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with a bus every 12 minutes.
MTA B15 bus runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with a bus every 12 minutes.
Single ticket price is 2.75 USD, Cash coins or MetroCard. MTA buses permit 3 children under 44inches to travel free with a full fare paying Adult. Adults over 65 years are eligible to a reduced fare.
To find more information about the B15 route, look on the MTA website, or B15 timetable here. An concise map of all the 75 stop and B15 bus time schedule can be found on Moovitapp.com
JFK Airport to Jamaica Queens by Bus - MTA Q3
A direct bus service that runs from JFK Airport to various parts of the borough of Queens. via Farmers Bl/ Henderson Ave. Full list of bus stops & route here.
MTA Q3 bus operates 24 hours, 7 days a week. Travel time: approx 50 minutes to/from Jamaica station.
MTA Q3 bus operates 24 hours, 7 days a week. Travel time: approx 50 minutes to/from Jamaica station.
Single ticket price is 2.75 USD, Cash coins or MetroCard. MTA buses permit 3 children under 44inches to travel free with a full fare paying Adult. Adults over 65 years are eligible to a reduced fare.
All MTA buses and select bus service coin collector machines only accept payment in exact coins. No dollar bills, 1/2 dollar and pennies accepted.
JFK Airport to Manhattan by Bus - Golden Touch
A bus transfer from JFK Airport to Grand Central Station. The service calls at all terminals at the airport, and drops and picks up at Grand Central at the corner of 41st Street & Lexington Ave. (by 140 east 41st street, look for their agents/ signage).
JFK Airport First Departure: 11:00am – Last Departure: 19:00pm. Buses run every 30 minutes. Bus picks up at JFK terminal 1, 4, 7 & 8. For all other terminals use the free monorail linking terminals.
Grand Central Station First Departure: 11:00am – Last Departure: 19:00pm. Buses run every 30 minutes. Bus drops you off at all terminals of JFK Airport on return route.
Ticket price: Single to Manhattan from JFK 19.00 USD. Grand Central Station to JFK 18.00 USD. Return ticket 35.00 USD. Tickets available online of in Arrivals Hall. The benefit of booking online is you can Skip the line as preferred passengers board first.
JFK Airport to Newark Airport by Bus - Golden Touch
A two-stage bus transfer from JFK Airport to Newark Airport, which is located in the neighbouring state of New Jersey. The service first involves a transfer to Grand Central Station, as outlined above. Then, there is a second transfer from Grand Central to Newark Airport. The details for this second leg are below. Altogether, the journey takes 3.5 hours, but is largely traffic dependent.
Grand Central Station First Departure: 04:45am – Last Departure: 02:00pm. Buses run every 60 minutes. The Newark Airport Express Bus departs from (41st Street between Park & Lexington Avenues). Just up the block from the NYC Express bus drop off.
Newark Airport First Departure: 04:15am – Last Departure: 02:20pm. Buses times are as follows: Every 30 minutes from 04:15am - 09:00am, every 20 minutes from 09:00am-23:00pm & every 30 minutes from 23:00pm-02:20am.
Single tickets cost 29.00 USD, and this ticket includes travel on both legs of the journey.
JFK Airport to LaGuardia Airport by Bus - Golden Touch
A direct bus transfer from JFK Airport to LaGuardia Airport. The service calls at all terminals of both JFK and LaGuardia airports. The journey is around an hour, but this is largely traffic dependent and therefore can vary.
First Departure: 11:00am – Last Departure: 19:00pm. Buses run every 60 minutes.
First Departure: 11:00am – Last Departure: 19:00pm. Buses run every 60 minutes.
Tickets cost 17.00 USD for a one-way journey, and tickets cost the same in both directions. For a return journey, travellers will need to purchase tickets for the two single journeys.
JFK Airport to Philadelphia by Bus - Peter Pan Bus Lines
A direct bus service that runs from Manhattan to Philadelphia. The bus leaves New York from the Port Authority Bus Terminal; a combination of the route to Grand Central outlined above, and a 20-minute walk or an 8-minute journey on the No. 8 Bus will take you there. A two-hour journey then takes you to Philadelphia bus terminal. The details for the Port Authority to Philadelphia journey are below:
First Departure: 06:30am – Last Departure: 21:30pm. Buses run every 30-90 minutes.
First Departure: 06:30am – Last Departure: 21:30pm. Buses run every 30-90 minutes.
Tickets cost 12.00 USD for a one-way journey in either direction. Book online via their ‘Plan a Trip’ feature on the website.
For additional information, please visit https://peterpanbus.com/ or call us at (800) 343-9999, send a message to them via the customer care pages on their website.
哪些 巴士 服务/路线在 JFK 机场 停靠?
Jamaica - Sutphin Blvd - Jfk Cargo Area
MTA Bus Company 运营的巴士服务
Via Sutphin Blvd / Rockaway Blvd
Jamaica - JFK Airport
MTA New York City Transit 运营的巴士服务
JFK 机场 的 巴士 停靠点在哪里?
巴士站名称 | 纬度 | 经度 | 在地图上查看 | |
directions_bus | EASTERN RD/BLDG 77 HALMAR | 40.652639 | -73.76537 | 查看 |
directions_bus | N BOUNDARY RD/BLDG 250 POST OFFICE | 40.656654 | -73.77053 | 查看 |
directions_bus | N BOUNDARY RD/FARMERS BL | 40.658737 | -73.774433 | 查看 |
directions_bus | N BOUNDARY RD/OLD ROCKAWAY BL | 40.657251 | -73.771957 | 查看 |
directions_bus | N BOUNDRY R/CHINA CARGO AIRLINE | 40.659403 | -73.775152 | 查看 |
directions_bus | N BOUNDRY R/FEDERAL EXPRESS | 40.662902 | -73.784883 | 查看 |
directions_bus | N BOUNDRY R/HALMAR CO | 40.660667 | -73.778684 | 查看 |
directions_bus | N BOUNDRY R/KOREAN AIRLINE | 40.661633 | -73.78984 | 查看 |
directions_bus | N BOUNDRY R/N HANGER RD | 40.66037 | -73.778685 | 查看 |
directions_bus | S VAN WYCK SERVICE RD/BLDG 14 | 40.652513 | -73.806958 | 查看 |
directions_bus | S VAN WYCK SERVICE RD/BLDG 23 | 40.64943 | -73.804762 | 查看 |
directions_bus | S VAN WYCK SERVICE RD/BLDG 90 | 40.644892 | -73.799723 | 查看 |